Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Final Post for 2011/2012 School Year!

Well everyone, we made it home safe and sound. As a matter of fact, we've been back for the better part of a week now. We got home just in time for the end-of-school barbeque (the second plane load literally landed as we were serving up the burgers), then we closed down the school. All in all, we had a fantastic adventure and I think the kids will be talking about this trip for a very long time.

I just wanted to let everyone know that the Cashunt pictures are in! Use the link below and the password dash to check out the battle of the Flaming Stars and the No-Se-Ums--yes, that's how the Cashunt people spelled it; they must think we're the "We-Don't-Know-Ums". (This joke is only funny if you know Spanish, by the way. So if you don't speak Spanish-or even Spanglish-ask someone who does.)

Happy summer everyone!

Flaming Stars vs. No-Se-Ums Scavenger Hunt Battle in Boston

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