Friday, September 9, 2011

Burger and flies

Hi my name is Kaleb and I am in fifth grade. Last week we had a burger night and at burger night people who want burgers had to send in a little form of what they wanted on their burger, then we had to make the burgers, then last we had to deliver them. We made about 800 dollars but it was hard work. Today we are going to have a movie night which we have to order a movie from Netflix but it takes about a week for it to get in. Then when it gets in we set it up on a projector and we call people after that. If people come we also sell snacks and soda.

We also got a new student named Benise and she is in second grade. But it's time for me to go now--people want me to tie some flies. So good-bye reader I hope you had a good time reading this.

But first, some pictures:

Kaylee holding our class pet Sirius

Andrew our teacher with some shades he found

Aiden our crazy first grader at free time

Kiara in the back; Kaylee on the left; Jolynn on the right; and our new student Benise in the middle 

Kiara tying a woolly bugger

Betsy helping Caleb tie a woolly bugger


  1. Many thanks to George Riddle for teaching us how to tie the woolly bugger!

  2. You No-See-Ums always seem to be doing the coolest activities!

  3. Nice blog Kaleb--you make me wish I was in grade school again!

  4. Loved the burger delivered right to my office, still hot. Hope you guys do it again often so I don't need to think of cooking dinner ;)
